Our Bright, Shiny New Site

collioure-mountainWell, hello there. Yes, it’s been awhile.  Yes, we’ve been to France yet again since last we talked.  And yes, we have another Portland workshop planned. (And more coming next year.)

What’s that you say? You didn’t know anything about any of these events? That might be because our old website, well, there’s no other word for it, sucked.  And we were so embarrassed by it that we threw information up on it and then slunk away to hide our heads in shame.

But not any more! And that’s because we now have this beautiful bright, shiny new website. Isn’t it pretty, our lovelies?   Here are a few things we wish to direct your attention to:

  1. THE FRANCE WORKSHOP INFORMATION IS UP.   The time we spend in France is the best time of the year. (Except Christmas. And when new grandchildren are born.) And you can join us! Just click on the tab for more info–we are offering two, count ’em, two different weeks this year.
  2. We have a Portland workshop on character coming up in December. But if you are at all interested, act fast, as there are only a few spots left.
  3. Some of our workshop attendees/fans have left us wonderful new testimonials, which you can read on the tab of the same name.
  4. We have things to say. And we promise to blog about them. Look for posts about the locations we visit in France, writing, toads and green grass. Hahaha, just kidding about that last part, wanted to see if you were paying attention.
  5. If you are interested in any of our events, just fill out the form on the contact page and we’ll get back to you pronto.

Just to whet your whistle, the photo above was taken in Collioure in 2015. We’ll be returning there again next year!